Sign Petition to Gov Sununu, State Legislators to Protect Women’s Health


We are calling on Governor Chris Sununu and state lawmakers to reject a slew of outrageous bills that seek to block access to contraception and safe, legal abortion and shame and demean women who seek them. Politicians need to make it clear they will stand with women by immediately and publicly denouncing these extreme attacks on women’s health.


We are calling on all elected officials, from Governor Chris Sununu to our State Senators and State Representatives, to make it clear they will stand with women by denouncing attacks on women’s health care.

I call on you to reject a slew of outrageous bills that seek to block access to contraception and abortion and shame and demean women who seek them. These bills include HB 1707, mandatory 24-hour waiting period for women seeking abortion care; HB 1721 which would label women seeking an abortion as ‘vulnerable’ and restrict her access; HB 1680 which would prohibit abortions after viability – the decision of which would be made solely by the treating physician and without any basis in medical standards; and HB 1787 which would allow any health care worker, from a physician to nurse or pharmacy employee, to refuse to provide women access to contraception or abortion care. All of these bills seek to restrict access to contraception and safe, legal abortion in New Hampshire, and to shame and demean women who seek them.

Private health care decisions should be between a woman and her provider, without government intervention or other discrimination. We are calling on all elected officials to make it clear they will stand with women by immediately and publicly denouncing these extreme attacks on women’s health.

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    Subject: Sign Petition to Gov Sununu, State Legislators to Protect Women’s Health
    Dear Friend,

    We are calling on Governor Chris Sununu and state lawmakers to reject a slew of outrageous bills that seek to block access to contraception and abortion and shame and demean women who seek them. Sign the petition now:

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