Action Alert Letter, Background Checks/Mental Health Reporting

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HB 1711, the “Chief Bradley Haas Mental Health Firearms Reporting Act” allows New Hampshire to report the names of certain prohibited purchasers to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (“NICS”) firearms database. People adjudicated for an involuntary mental health commitment, or deemed not competent to stand trial, are already prohibited under federal law from purchasing or possessing firearms, but without these records the database is incomplete. HB 1711 also establishes a process to restore firearms rights ("relief") post-commitment. While we do not yet know how the shooter at NH Hospital obtained their firearm, we do know that New Hampshire’s failure to close fatal gaps on reporting prohibited purchasers puts everyone at risk, including those experiencing a mental health crisis. The “Fix NICS” bill is named after former Police Chief Bradley Haas, who was working as a security guard and killed during the NH Hospital shooting.

Other sample points:

  • This is a bipartisan bill. The sponsors include a gun lobby legislator and a gun violence prevention legislator. It passed the NH House with a bipartisan vote.

  • The bill reflects input and guidance from a broad range of stakeholders, including gun owners, mental health advocates, NH Hospital staff, medical leaders, and disability rights organizations.

  • Fixing NICS is not controversial. Already 47 other states have closed fatal gaps in NICS reporting, New Hampshire is one of only three that does not.

  • President Trump signed a law to strengthen NICS reporting.

  • The gun lobby has been supportive of Fix NICS initiatives in other states, and the National Shooting Sports Foundation has an entire website dedicated to it.

  • Preventing prohibited people from gaining access to firearms is an effective, immediate way to strengthen public safety.

  • It’s time for New Hampshire to provide full and complete records to NICS, without delay. 


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