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New Hampshire Republican representative Will Infantine has a theory about the irritatingly persistent wage gap (via HuffPo). SPOILER ALERT: It's ridiculous.

At an advocacy committee meeting, Infantine mansplained to the crowd:

"Men by and large make more because of some of the things they do. Their jobs are, by and large, more riskier. They don't mind working nights and weekends. They don't mind working overtime, or outdoors in the elements. Men work five or six hours longer a week than women do. When it comes to women and men who own businesses ... women make half of what men do because of flexibility of work; men are more motivated by money than women are."

OK, what? How are men's jobs "riskier?" Does everyone with a penis automatically earn their money by off-roading in the Australian wilderness and wrestling rabid wombats? And for the record, even if that WERE true, I'd want to get in on it.

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Anna Breslaw
Writer. Things I appreciate: Ghosts, white wine, men who look like they could protect me from predators, and a great homemade deviled egg. Also, I have a VERY ambivalent obsession with Sex and The City but I'm not like any of them, other than maybe Miranda's cat.